GoCool Services
GoCool Services

Vehicle air conditioning pricing and optional services                

At Gocool Services, we want to bring you the best quality services at great prices in Bristol and the surrounding areas. Please see our list of current vehicle air conditioning prices and special offers and call us on 0117 369 1234 for more information.

Main Services :

1. Air Conditioning System Inspection only                                                                                                                    All vehicles are subject to a comprehensive System Inspection prior to servicing the AC system. The System Inspection aims to identify any problems and includes a high pressure leak test as well as electrical and mechanical checks.                                                                                                                                                           Following on from the System Inspection we can quote for any necessary repairs before moving on to Service the vehicle. At this point a customer is under no obligation to continue with quoted repairs and a Service. Quotes for future repairs and Service will be valid for 3 months.                                                                      If you are unsure of the gas type of your vehicle , please contact us or refer to our FAQ page for more information.                                                                                                                                                                                                     R12 gas - £45.00     (pre- 1992 vehicles)                                                                                                                      R134a gas - £30.00  (most vehicles from 1992 onward)                                                                                             R1234yf gas - £30.00 (latest models 2013 onward)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2. Air Conditioning System Inspection and Regas Service                                                                                        This is our standard 'full service' and includes the above System Inspection to check for any possible leaks or faults and then follows on with the Regas of the system to original factory specification.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Please refer to our FAQ page for more details.                                                                                                                                                         R12 Systems (pre '92 vehicles )  - £115.00                                                                                                                         R134a Systems (most vehicles 1992 to present day)  - £100.00                                                                                 R1234yf Systems  (post 2013 models) - £180.00                                                                                                                                  

Optional Services :

Leak Detection Service                                                                                                                                        Gocool Services is able to locate most leaks in approximatey 1 hour. This charge is in addition to any regas charge - £45.00


Ultra Violet (UV) Dye Service

This service simply involves the injection of a special UV dye into a working system. The UV dye circulates with the oil and gas in the system and can through detection using a UV light source provide an early warning of a future leak thus helping to prevent more costly repairs. - £45.00


De-Odorising/Anti-Bacterial Treatment Service

Due to the operational nature of aircontioning systems , bacteria, pollen and fungal spores can build up on the internal evaporator of the car. We can treat the evaporator and entire car interior using specialised equipment, killing all the bugs and leaving your air conditioning smell free. treatment time 20 minutes - £45.00


Leak Sealant Service

Where a leak test shows up a very small leak it may be possible to fix this type of leak by using a special type of leak sealant injected into the airconditioning system. Leak Sealant may only be recommended as a last resort for underdash component leaks which are very costly to repair due to high labour charges.                          Please note that the leak Sealant service can only be carried out as part of an Air Conditioning Inspection and Service and a refund on a failed Leak Sealant Service is not possible - £65.00


Contaminated Waste Gas Disposal Service

Services involving the removal of contaminated gas may incurr a charge for gas recovered for waste disposal, please call for up to date charges . We can also arrange for the disposal of trade bulk gas waste at reduced pricing per kilogram.


Our Terms and Conditions

1. Gas Re-Charges are warranted for 3 months from the date of Service, subject to Gocool Services carrying out any further Repairs to the AC system as required within the warranty period. All other AC System Repairs including parts supplied and fitted by Gocool Services are warranted against parts and labour costs for 12 months from the repair date.

2. Our standard labour rate is £60.00 per hour for all additional work.

3. A mileage charge of 45 pence per mile applies to all call-outs beyond a 20 mile radius from our office address. This mileage charge will be quoted to you based on your post code location.

4. A 2.0% booking fee is applicable to all credit and debit card transactions to cover our processing costs.We can process Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards.

5. All pricing is shown fully inclusive. Gocool Services is not registered for VAT.


Please call us on 0117 369 1234 0117 369 1234 or use our contact form.

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